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Where the advantages of composite covers the following three

1 which cure rates several times faster than the fiber concrete, 8 hours to release, if the production of three shifts, the release times may be 24 hours, although the amount of more than Shisu die, but only a fiber reinforced concrete covers about 1/6 , the investment mold may be low. Million units of annual production covers just 10 sets of molds.

2 composite covers most ambitious than our ancestors, other molds (such as rubber molds, plastic molds, fiberglass molds) that can not be compared.

3 It is the most prominent strengths unlucky steel skeleton reinforced with fiberglass composite and strengthened belong GRC-type product. Therefore, it is kept in the current steel price environment, more unaffected hand. Since it does not contain iron, which is more than Shisu theft and fiber reinforced concrete covers.